This page is dedicated to the clients of MIR Communications. MIR realises that the constant advent of the Internet and technology mean that clients' tastes and needs will change accordingly. With needs becoming ever more demanding, problems occasionally arise. To cater for all these eventualities, MIR has created this customer support system to allow us to serve you better.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or even complaints about any of our services, please take a few short minutes to fill in our online feedback form or alternatively, contact any one of the three individuals listed below. We value your feedback and will endeavour to give you a prompt response.

To all our clients, we thank you for your support.

MIR Management Contact Information

Gilbert Tong
Project Manager
Telephone Number: 03-2161 4482

Online Feedback Form

Contact Number:
Fax Number:
Web Site URL:
The following information is optional but if provided may improve our ability to respond to your request.
Computer Type:
Operating System:
Internet Browser :
Connection Speed: