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"... How the bee sees the flower ... an UV Reflectance
image of Allium odorum flowers in an experiment conducted at my Dept.
at University Malaya.. the UV image is not a simulated image. It is a real image produced by UV
light shining on the flower as the only light source!!! You can imagine the
technical difficulties in producing that picture. Exposure time was based on
experimentation. UV Reflectance photography is relatively unknown, I knew of
it only about a few years back when I read an old book on photography. But
before that I did take take UV pictures like this. First focus the object.
Then cover the lens with light excluding filter U360 which allows only UV
light to enter. Then take the photo. I have experimented with flash as well.
Flash emits wavelengths in the UV range. It worked well but have to work in
situ in the hot sun (as source of UV) as well as in the field conditions. I
did not have the proper UV lens e.g. The UV-Nikkor (costing more than 5-6K
five to six years ago). This uses special glass not silica. Normal glass
absorbs UV.

I hope this helps in explaining the images. The Canonball flower is as shown
under UV conditions. I have got others, not many because of the technical
limitations. Wish I had bought the UV-Nikkor way back then. Don't know how
it cost now .... !!

." - Eddie Teoh -

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